YSC Coaching Staff

Dedicated, Skilled, Attentive

Yorktown Swim Club has an excellent coaching staff that strives to develop athletic abilities by utilizing an emphassis on personal growth development and character building. Students help to establish goals alongisde their coaches that match their personal success.

Our coaches are passionate about the sport of swimming, the value of a great team, and mastering techniques and skills. Most importantly though, our coaches truly love building into and helping students uncover their own passions and victories.

Steve Wickliffe - Head Coach



Assistant Coaches Lucy and Erin - Cubbies and Bobcats 

Assistant Coaches Lucy and Erin-  Develeopmental 

Assistant Coaches Neely, Callie and Alyssa - Mt. Lions 

Assistant Coaches Lance and Kiran- Jaguares and Tigers



Board Members

President - Christy Douglas [email protected]  

Vice President - Christy Douglas [email protected]

Treasurer - Maggie Spry [email protected]

Secretary - Lacey Shirk [email protected]

Event Manager - Katie Gibson [email protected]